Aspiring Social Entrepreneur | Software Engineer | Writer | Psychology Student
Once we have our PostgreSQL database running on CloudSQL, with the flag cloudsql.iam_authentication set to on. We can now have a look at how we could...
Start by running your Docker Desktop application. Then via the command line run the following command to pull the latest postgres image and start an...
Our express app is a very simple API that listens on port 3000. And has a single endpoint of root, which returns a JSON message of Hello World. Create...
Setting up Folder Structure, and Refactoring · In the last three articles, we created a new database project in PlanetScale to power our SQL DB. Then we...
Setting up TypeScript and Validation with Zod · In the last two articles, we dealt with setting up a MySQL database on PlanetScale and creating an...
Setting up a Express server - CRUD with Prisma · In the previous article, we had our files set up and more importantly, we worked on setting up a...